

I love writing, both short and long pieces, and fiction and non-fiction. I am in the process of writing several books – not a good thing, I know I should focus on one at a time, but there is just so much to write – and as soon as I can figure out how to publish something, will be releasing them through this site!

Read on for more information…



The Nous that Jack Built

23 Kilos Down

23 Kilos Down logo

non-fiction books

I have a number of non-fiction books on the go, about a range of topics from weight control and weight loss to personal development.


The Nous that Jack Built logo


I have written one novel about a girl called Lizzie, who has to try and find her way in a male-dominated world, and am currently writing a second novel about a single mum.

The Nous that Jack Built diamond logo

the nous blog pieces

The blog pieces you can read here include my thinking over the past 5 years, arranged by topic, thought date and writing date.

23 Kilos Down logo

23 kilos down blog pieces

As well as the blog pieces you can read here, you can also read my weight control blog at




Work in progress sign

Jack of all trades

How much do you believe in your professional skills? What if they were taken away tomorrow? Would you be able to get by? 
As someone who has been forced to reinvent himself multiple times, overcoming the twin setbacks of failure and missed opportunities, I am well qualified to crown myself a Jack of all Trades. Here’s what you can learn from my mistakes. 


Flexibility is the most important thing. You can never know what will come, and being able to cope and adapt is crucial.

23 Kilos Down

This book charters my journey as I resolved to lose 23 Kilos to get to my target weight. Doubling up as a ‘how to’ book, it is an effective way to help you find out how to get to, and maintain, your target weight.

How on earth did I get so fat?! And what do I do about it now?!




Girls is best

When Lizzie moves up north with her dad, she finds a new, exciting sport that soon takes over her life! But it is not all plain sailing, and she has much to overcome if she is to make it in a traditionally male world.


“If you were a boy, I would be saying you could make it in the pro leagues.”

“So you’re saying I have no future in this sport because I am a girl?”

Lose no happy day

Audrey is a new mum, who has everything going for her when life changes in a devastating and unexpected way. She must now learn to cope with a thousand new challenges, none of which she is prepared for. 

Based on the true story of a real-life war hero, this book is confirmation that the truth can often be more incredible than fiction.

Women's Auxiliary Corps at war

Learn to make the most of Life,

Lose no happy day,

Time will never give thee back,

Chance has swept away