Love the effort, let’s work on the ‘how’ and the ‘why’

“Here is where I want to scream… A mountain of time and energy invested in chasing something that has zero chance of success from the very start.” Some takeaways… Stop reaching out blindly to meaningless connections Stop following a formula. Start being different. Continue reaching out – just be a bit smarter on the ‘how’! […]

Watching from the sidelines

“It was by being out of the game that my son was better able to appreciate how best to play when in it.” Some takeaways… Make the most of the opportunity change gives you, instead of becoming caught up in feelings of negativity. Taking a step outside of your everyday position can help you see things […]

Making fire

“I hadn’t thought through the whole process, and I hadn’t lined up my resources properly to get me through it.” Some takeaways… Map out the process Map out the required resources and align them to the process Cover the contingencies   Some thoughts arising from the need to ‘make fire’ whilst on holiday   I […]

What is the point of a bonus point? Performance management in action

“Scoring tries makes for more exciting rugby, which means more people watching, which encourages more try scoring, which means more people watching… and so on in a self-perpetuating virtuous circle.” Some takeaways… ‘What you reward is what you get’. By being rewarded for particular behaviours, rugby teams are nudged towards actively choosing the desired course […]

Outwitted by a child

“…being able to think around the question and find creative solutions is only going to become more and more valuable.” Some takeaways… We can sometimes be too fixed in our own thinking. Flexibility of thought can result in finding an ‘outside the box’ solution. Use the resources at hand and think around the problem, and […]

A mind stretched

“Me jumping in gave him the courage to go for it, and once he did, there was no stopping him! The swimming pool was never quite the same after that.” Some takeaways… See what is out there. Step out of your comfort zone and you may be amazed. Push yourself to try it. Overcome your […]